Slot Card BBS
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Not going to Convention but listing on eBay daily

Unfortunately I will not be attending this year's convention but I will continue to list slot cards and other items on eBay almost daily as time permits. If you're looking for anything specific I can do better on prices when dealing direct, just send me your want lists with CG#s noted with each listing. I have tons of other paper and miscellaneous items as well. (no chips, tokens, etc.). If you download the latest Slot Card Guide it will show all the cards I still have available. I'm selling cards at $1 each for common cards and 50% of catalog for rarer cards plus shipping. Check the list at or

Requests are being handled in the order they're received so please be patient.

Any questions just let me know...

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Not going to Convention but listing on eBay daily
Lot more than basic slot cards here....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg