Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

It's very frustrating...

...that nothing seems to be happening to this guy. eBay "talked" to him but they still allow him to sell, probably because it makes them money. The local police have been very good about it (based upon some of their comments, I think they're a little amazed by some of his emails). I hope that people here don't mind my posting about what's happening because it's helped relieve some of the frustration. I also hope no one here ever has to deal with this kind of thing.


Messages In This Thread

Just when I was thinking Skeeter finally quit...
Did ebay boot this guy yet ???
Screw eBay This is getting much more serious
It's very frustrating...
Jim , Keep up the good fight & God Bless !
I pledge to NEVER buy from this seller N e 1 else?
Archie Posted this on TCB and I just wanted to say

Copyright 2022 David Spragg