Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

I've also found a white eraser works...

... like the white plastic technical eraser from Staples. As long as the card is really plastic and the laminate is still in good shape the eraser will generally get minor to medium glue or other gunk off the card pretty easily without any harm.

Messages In This Thread

Why you need to package cards/keys well
Re: Why you need to package cards/keys well
Re: Why you need to package cards/keys well
Re: Why you need to package cards/keys well
And one thing NOT to do
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: I also have available........
Re: I also have available........
I've also found a white eraser works...
Re: I also have available........
Re: Why you need to package cards/keys well
Re: Why you need to package cards/keys well
Package cards/keys well-a follow-up

Copyright 2022 David Spragg