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Tons of Argosy Slot Cards Listed on eBay

Lots of variations/issues/printings/stickers/etc. I'm listing groups of 50-60 cards at a time on eBay every few days as time allows. I'm including most of the variations I have for each issue, all the different stickers and sticker combinations, etc. Check them out and more to come as time allows. I'm just getting started on the common cards but I'm only planning on going through the boxes one time with listing them on eBay. It's going to take months to get through the pile so stay tuned and keep an eye on my listings.

I'm using 3 different seller IDs currently so I can list up to 750 cards a month --- my original ID of rbakerpc plus the newer IDS of slotcardtrader and slotcardexchange. Check my links below for easy access to my listings or check the Slot Card category on eBay.

If there's anything special you're looking for we can deal direct. Just send my your want lists and I'll work on them as time allows, first come first served. Prices if dealing direct are typically $1 each for any common slot card (those valued under $10 in the Slot Card Guide) and 50% of the guide prices for all rarer cards (those valued at $10 or more in the Slot Card Guide) plus shipping. If you can include the CG# for each card in your want list it will help eliminate any errors.

I also have collections of other non-slot card casino items that I'm selling -- foreign casino entry tickets, all sorts of coupons and coupon books, slot flags, postcards, ID cards and badges, VIP Event passes/badges, sports book and arcade cards, keno sheets, instruction cards, hotel guest cards, check cashing cards, brochures, all sorts of membership cards (non-casino), stationary, Wincards and a lot more.

Any questions just let me know.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg