Slot Card BBS
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Over 4,800 items listed on Delcampe

I now have over 4,800 items listed on Delcampe, with over 3,600 slot cards included. All are currently fixed priced sales with common cards priced $1-4 and rarer cards (valued at $10 or more in the guide) typically priced 20-30% off catalog prices. All cards are listed individually so it's easier to find things using the search. I'm adding more common slot cards on Delcampe as time allows, usually a few hundred every week except when I'm busy. ALL of my foreign, Montana and rarer slot cards are already listed on Delcampe along with all of my room keys, chips, tokens and other misc. stuff. The rest of the common slot card doubles are just going to take awhile to get listed.

Keep in mind that I can still trade or sell direct anything I have listed on Delcampe. Plus I have my Delcampe store setup to allow making a group offer if you want to bundle a bunch of items. If you want to work out a trade, just contact me direct instead of buying through Delcampe.

If you haven't looked, there's close to 8,000 casino cards listed on Delcampe compared to the 400-500 slot card listings on eBay these days. And only a very small number of the eBay listings are auctions these days. Most of the listings are fixed priced entries that have been there for months.

The best way to find my listings on Delcampe is through the links I have on my trading website ( ) at the bottom of the home page.... there's a link to my general store front plus separate links to many of the categories where I have listings. From the store front or any group you can use their search tool to find specific items, casinos, etc.

I have over 8,000 slot card doubles listed on my own trading website at with several hundred rarer cards included along with whatever room keys I've accumulated but don't collect -- plus whatever remaining chips and tokens I have left from my other collections before I started concentrating just on slot cards. If you collect player number prefixes or are looking for anything specific just let me know and I'll see if I can help. There's over 60,000 slot card doubles here right now so I'm just trying to make some more room!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg