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Any one collecting post cards?

I've been accumulating a pile of postcards that I've acquired with various auctions and collection purchases over the past year or so and I don't really collect them. The only cards I've been saving are those with gambling rules, etc.

I just added scans of all the post cards I have to my website on a separate page just for the postcards. They're mostly casino related although there's a few other misc. cards. Check it out if you have any interest at

There's still a bunch of chips and tokens plus hotel room keys and other stuff listed besides the thousands of slot cards. Check the buttons along the left side to view the various pages of scans. All of the scan thumbnail pictures can be clicked to see a larger image and then click again to view in the highest resolution image available. Then just use your browser back to get back to the original page.

If you see anything of interest, let me know and I'll set it aside until we can work out a deal. I'm happy to sell or trade anything on my website!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg