Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

I got so much work to do on the pages...
In Response To: Jim I really need to sit down ()

...that it's almost overwhelming. I've received numerous contributions of scans for pages that are still a long way from completion. I know what I'll be doing when I get back from the convention (well, after doing my tax return grin). It's a slow but steady process and I just hope that everyone continues to be patient with the how slowly the pages are appearing.


Messages In This Thread

New Ameristar Room Key - Kansas City
Nice looking key...
Jim I really need to sit down
I got so much work to do on the pages...
You're doing a FINE JOB Jim!!!
Thanks...but I'm ticked off...
vbg Ron, borrowed your scans...
Larry - check your April Listing
vbg vbg*vbg* Different state*vbg**vbg**vbg*
You can borrow my scans any time

Copyright 2022 David Spragg