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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Re: PACK Variation Info. Motor City Detroit, MI.

Great find Albie!! I'll add that to the newsletter next month. The PACK letter went to the printer today. We have 121 people and it is too much for our printer to handle, as last month it took 2 ink cartridges. This newsletter is the biggest of all. 7 pages!! I even removed an ad of mine to keep it from going into 8 pages. They should get mailed this weekend. Enjoy everyone. We do. Pat

Messages In This Thread

PACK Variation Info. Motor City Detroit, MI.
Re: PACK Variation Info. Motor City Detroit, MI.
Re: PACK Variation Info. Motor City Detroit, MI.
Re: PACK Variation Info. Motor City Detroit, MI.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg